SEO Onpage Optimization Techniques

SEO On-Page Optimization Techniques

This blog is about the SEO On-Page Optimization Techniques and methods

onpage seo

Title optimization

Page Title is one of the most important On-page ranking factors and should be treated with care. Your page title tag shows up in Search Engine Result Pages. Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing use the title tag as the search results' title for that page.
The  <title>  tag  should  be  placed  within  the <head>  tag  of  the  HTML  document.  Ideally,  you  should  create  a unique title for each page on your site.

The maximum length of the Title tag is 70 characters. Google typically displays the first 50-60 characters of a title tag, or as many characters as will fit into a 512-pixel display. If you keep your titles under 55 characters, you can expect at least 95% of your titles to display properly.  If the title is too long, engines will show an ellipsis, "..." to indicate that a title tag has been cut off.
Minimum length should be 40.
The keywords in the title tag must be related to the content of the Webpage.

Heading tags in SEO

 Heading tags give the user a clear idea of what the page content is about. Search engines give much importance to user-experience on a site, meaning the presence of heading tags becomes an important component of SEO.
By reading the different heading tags, users can scan a page and read only the section they are interested in.  But, Make sure that do not stuff your heading tags with keywords.
The most important heading tag is the h1 tag and least important is the h6 tag.
 In HTML coding the heading tags from h1 to h6 form a top-down hierarchy. This means that if you skip any of the tag numbers the heading structure will be broken, which is not ideal for on-page SEO.
h1 tag is the most important tag and it should never be skipped on a page. Search spiders pay attention to the words used in the h1 tag as it should contain a basic description of the page content, just as the page title does.
The h2 tag is a sub heading  and  should contain similar keywords to your h1 tag. Your h3 is then a subheading for your h2 and so on. Think of them as a hierarchy based on importance, the above being more important than the below.
Keep in mind that it’s also very import that your header tags are readable and grammatically correct. Stuffing your h1, h2 and h3 with keywords is not going to help your cause. If anything, Google will recognize this.

Meta Description tag

A Meta description tag is a snippet of HTML code in a web page header that summarizes the content that is on the web page. The Meta description is usually placed after the title tag and before the Meta keywords tag
Meta descriptions can be any length, but search engines generally truncate snippets longer than 160 characters. It is best to keep Meta descriptions between 155 and 160 characters for websites and 150 characters for blogs.

image opt

Image optimization

Images, when added with a certain consideration, will help understand your article a lot. “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
Always try to use the images related to the content of the article.
When you have found the right image to use, the next step is to optimize that image for use on your website. There are a number of things to take in consideration:

Choose the right file name

The file name of the image should be what the image is about without. If the file name contains more than one words, Separate the words with minus symbol(-).
For example, If the image is about Sunset in Paris. We can give the file name as sunset-Paris

Reduce file size

You know page load times matter for SEO. So, Ensure that your images don’t affect the loading time of your webpage, make the image file size as small as possible without breaks the quality of the image.

Alt text

The short answer is, it’s the text that the search engine uses to understand images.
If the file name of the image is Sunsets-Paris. To include it, you simply add alt="sunsetsparis" to your image tag.

Anchor Text

The anchor text is the clickable text that we see within the content of the website and once we click on it we will be directed to another page.
For example: <a href=””>UK digital marketing agency</a>
However, as users, we can see only the clickable part of the anchor text: UK digital marketing agency.

The anchor text should contain keywords that are related to our targeted search terms. In other words, our text should be keyword-rich if we want to increase our chances of improving our keyword rankings.

webmaster tools

Add Your Website To Google Search Console

To add your website or blog you must have an account with a Google in order to connect your site to Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools).
After Sign in to your Google account, Go to  Google Search Console (former Google Webmaster Tools) and click the red button to add your website and type the URL of the site you want to add. Next, Click Continue. The Site verification page opens. In the Name Box type a name for your site.The next step is select the verification method you want, and follow the instructions.

Please visit my blog that i already published to know about SEO Basics SEO Basics Components For Beginners 
